A lot has been written and spoken about the memory disease - Alzheimer's. It has also been a celluloid subject and much has been done for its awareness. But the real top medical news is the research that speaks about the brain implants that could restore memory in Alzheimer's sufferers. The electrical implant can bring back long-term memory which has been completely lost and improve it in others who have normal recall. Along with Alzheimer sufferers, it is also beneficial for stroke victims and people with brain injuries. In the current statistics of people over 65, one in three is expected to die with dementia and in UK, over 3,75,000 have Alzheimer's disease. If such condition continues, in just 10 years, a million people will be living with dementia.
Alzheimer's disease impairs memory and gradually affects thinking and behavior. It is the most popular form of dementia, which is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. A type of dementia, AD, gradually gets worse with time. It also affects language, judgment, decisiveness and personality over a period of time.
The risk factors for Alzheimer's may be family history and age. Combination of certain genes, a family history or some relatives having the disease and increasing age carries the risk of developing Alzheimer's. Some unproven risk factors also include history of head trauma and high BP since a long time. Alzheimer's disease can be categorized into the early onset and late onset groups. The symptoms in the early onset of AD start showing before the age of 60 and progresses rapidly and this kind of disease mostly runs in the family. Late onset of AD is a much common disease developing after the age of 60.
The reason behind the causing of AD is not known but it can be said that it may include both genetic and environmental factors. Earlier, the reason was guessed to be the buildup of aluminum, mercury, lead and other substances in the brain but it is no longer believed to be a cause. The most certain way of determining the presence of AD is to examine their brain tissue sample after their death. The common changes in the brain tissue are neurofibrillary tangles, senile plaques and neuritic plaques. Alzheimer's disease treatment is a drug treatment which works on slowing the symptoms of the disease and many a times there are no noticeable changes. Some other medicines may also be combined which are needed for agitated and aggressive behaviors, which may prove to be dangerous. It is also said that research is being done on early testing vaccine against AD.
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain, which causes thinking and memory to become seriously impaired. Find out about Alzheimer's disease and other top medical news from our website.
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