
Do Toxins Worry You?

Toxins are basically any substance or agent that causes an abnormal reaction in the body. Abnormal reactions can contribute to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, mental disease, skin problems, ADHD, birth defects, and much more.

Where do toxins come from?

You are virtually surrounded by toxins. There are toxins in cleaning agents, household cleaners, personal care products, chemicals on fruits and vegetables, industrial compounds and waste, byproducts of burning and other processing, pollutants, mold, and radiation.

It is estimated that 85% of all debilitating diseases are closely associated to environmental toxins.

Toxins create excessive free radical damage. Free radicals are a natural byproduct of a beneficial bodily process needed to:

‧ fight infections,
‧ convert glucose into energy,
‧ and build muscle mass.

Unfortunately, free radicals are also unstable and highly reactive in the body. Due to environmental toxins your body is dealing with above average levels of free radicals. In this case, more is not better!

Three things you can do about excessive free radicals:

1. Mind: Think about what is in your own home. You can eliminate the chemical products in your home. Choose biodegradable cleaners, soaps, and shampoos. Read labels.

2. Body: Give your body the nutrients it needs. Increase the antioxidants in your diet. Antioxidants work at the cellular level to: deactivate free radicals, neutralize the effects of free radicals, and prevent cell damage. Antioxidants reduce your risk for disease and slow down aging.

Where can you find antioxidants?

‧ In the skins of various fruits and vegetables such as apples, nuts, red onions, berries, cabbage, mangosteen, and green tea. Be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables with a chemical free cleanser or buy organic produce.

‧ Quality supplements containing antioxidants.

3. Soul: Focus on gratitude and health. You are the best healer for your body. Believe in your own good health. Your thoughts are another source of toxicity. If you think negatively, destructively, or sickly thoughts on a continuous basis, then these thoughts generate destructive feelings. These feelings then find an outlet in your body and frequently manifest as ulcers, heart trouble, tension, and/or anxieties.

Following are a couple of points taken from the book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy:

‧ You can interfere with the normal rhythm of your heart, lungs, and other organs by worry, anxiety, and fear. Feed your subconscious with thoughts of harmony, health, and peace, and all the functions of your body will become normal again.

‧ Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body and knows the answer to all problems.

You do not have to worry about toxins. You do need to be aware of toxins and take responsibility for your own health.
Let's Be Healthy.

Corinne Floyd invites you to visit http://www.anticancerherbs.biz/ for more information on the Paw Paw Program, a cancer herbal treatment, effective for all chronic diseases. Also, to read more about building your natural immunity to disease by visiting these articles.

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