
Experimenting In Africa With Polio Vaccines Has Led To Vaccine-Induced Polio

Global public health agencies are watchdogs of public health, saving millions of lives on the planet, with most of their objectives fulfilled in poor and developing countries. That's the message the media has been putting out so successfully that most of us believe it is true. But there are hidden agendas, which often remain concealed. But once in a while, their so-called noble intentions are unraveled, laying bare a shocking reality.


Among these was a web of deceit uncovered by an African radio broadcaster who discovered that mass immunizations with the OPV in Uganda were definitely not intended to save children from the debilitating paralytic disease.

Vaccinations with the OPV - which uses the live virus - began in Uganda in 1963, a country that had no history of polio while the government of Uganda introduced mass immunization at the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1977.

Kihura Nkuba, the broadcaster, who had studied in England, had returned to Uganda to open a radio station there. But his experiences with the Ugandan people revealed a shocking story. Hundreds of Ugandan children who were being inoculated during government-enforced immunization drives were dying of polio. In other words, the OPV, quite literally being forced down their throats, was causing a disease that had not been present in Uganda till the vaccine was introduced in the 1960s.

Nkuba said that parents, who had made a connection between the vaccine and their children's deaths, would hide in the African bush when government officials and health volunteers came around to administer the OPV. In some cases, children were allegedly dragged out of hiding to be vaccinated.

It was only in 2002 that the penny dropped, when Nkuba made the connection between the discontinuation of the OPV in the US and its introduction in Uganda. The OPV, developed by Dr Albert Sabin in the 1950s and which used the live polio virus, had been banned from use in America because it had been observed to accidentally cause the disease in recipients of the vaccine. The US then reverted to using the Inactivated Polio Virus or IPV.

Instead of discarding vaccines worth millions of dollars, these suddenly useless but dangerous doses of the OPV were being force-fed to children in Uganda!

Nkuba realized another shocking truth - that the vaccine when administered in the US was contraindicated for use in families with a history of HIV. That is because the live virus used in the OPV gave rise to a condition called 'viral shedding'. This takes place when a vaccinated individual literally sheds the virus through mucous, feces and other bodily fluids for a period of time immediately after being vaccinated.

Naturally, the OPV was not recommended for use in families where individuals have a compromised immune system. But neither was this practice being observed in Uganda, where HIV was widespread, nor was the information being disseminated among the public. The catastrophe that this caused can only be imagined.

Nkuba went public with his observations on the OPV disaster on his radio station and was subsequently hounded and persecuted. Not surprisingly, his radio station was also shut down by the Ugandan government, which he openly accused of committing mass murder, hand in glove with the WHO, UNICEF, United States Association for International Aid (USAID) and CDC.


It is easy to use a vulnerable nation - where illiteracy rates are high, where disease is rampant and where global agencies have projected themselves as saviors of the people - as a human laboratory.

Like Uganda, Nigeria is another country where global health agencies have been accused of abusing the trust of the people, and worse still, of committing genocide. This has resulted in a triple whammy for this African nation. The country has seen severe outbreaks of polio, and even deaths, ever since Western health agencies began a mass OPV immunization campaign in 2002.

A year after the campaign kicked off, the drive was halted after the local people and Muslim clerics alleged that the vaccine contained material that left recipients infertile. The WHO resumed immunization, this time more 'aggressively' in 2006, in an attempt to cover as many people as possible. But then, soon after, Nigeria saw the beginning of its worst-ever polio outbreak, leaving 60-odd children paralyzed in 2007-2008 and more than 120 in 2009.

What went wrong in Nigeria? In a secret that cost the US CDC huge embarrassment and worldwide censure, the Nigeria outbreak was finally diagnosed as being vaccine-induced. The polio vaccine administered in 2002 resulted in the development of a mutant strain that was now causing the disease in healthy children who had not been vaccinated earlier.

How was this possible? The 'benevolence' of Western health agencies had placed Nigeria in a Catch-22 situation. Children were contracting polio either directly from the OPV while others were left open to the disease because they resisted immunization with a faulty vaccine!

The implication was that to be protected against the mutant polio virus, Nigerian children should have been immunized with a faulty vaccine. All because the WHO decided to 'dump' a vaccine that had been banned in the US.

Why didn't the agency use the IPV that was being used in the US? One, it saved the vaccine maker millions of dollars not to destroy millions of doses. Two, the OPV is cheap. And three, the OPV can be easily administered by health workers and volunteers, not necessarily doctors. This accounts for the popularity of the faulty vaccine in mass immunization efforts across Third World countries.

But it also left the WHO in another dilemma. Immunization programs in Nigeria had been aimed at the polio Type 2 virus but due to genetic mutation, the outbreaks post-2007 were caused by the Type 1 strain!

To cover up its mistakes and make sure they had not left out any known strain of the polio virus, immunization programs in Nigeria have since included two rounds of vaccination that target Types 1, 2 and 3 of the virus! Could there be a bigger mess?

Alas, Nigeria wasn't the only country affected by the OPV mistake. No less than 12 countries have reported cases of vaccine-induced polio over the last decade.During this time, 10 billion doses of the faulty OPV had been administered to children in developing countries, including outbreaks in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in 2002.

[This is an excerpt from the book 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time' by Andreas Moritz]

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine. He is the author of 13 books ( http://www.ener-chi.com/book.htm ) on various subjects pertaining to holistic health, including The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation and Cancer Is Not a Disease, It's a Survival Mechanism.

His most recent book is titled 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time'. Moritz is also the creator of Ener-Chi Art and Sacred Santemony.

Much of his life's work has been dedicated to understanding and treating the root causes of illness, and helping the body, mind, spirit and heart to heal naturally.

Connect with Andreas at: http://www.facebook.com/enerchi.wellness

Copyright c 2011 by Andreas Moritz

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