Both mental and physical health depend on the effectiveness and vitality of the cells in the body. The cells of the body derive most of their energy from chemical reactions that take place in the presence of oxygen. One of the resultant waste products is carbon dioxide. The respiratory system provides the routes by which oxygen is taken into the body and carbon dioxide is excreted. Blood serves as the transport system for the exchange of these gases between the lungs and the cells.
Gallstones in the liver can impair respiratory functions and cause allergies, disorders of the nose and nasal cavities, and diseases of the bronchi and lungs. When gallstones distort or injure the lobules (units) of the liver, the blood-cleansing ability of the liver, small intestine, lymphatic system, and immune system diminishes. Waste material and toxic substances, normally rendered harmless by these organs and systems, now begin to seep into the heart, lungs, bronchi, and other respiratory passages. Constant exposure to these irritating agents lowers the resistance of the respiratory system to them. Lymph congestion in the abdominal region, particularly in the cysterna chyli and thoracic duct, hampers proper lymphatic drainage from the respiratory organs. Most respiratory ailments occur because of such lymphblockages.
Pneumonia results when protective measures fail to prevent inhaled or blood-borne microbes from reaching and colonizing the lungs. Gallstones harbor harmful microbes, as well as highly toxic, irritating material that can enter the blood via areas in the liverthat are damaged by the presence of gallstones. Gallstones are a constant source of immune suppression, which leaves the body, and particularly the upper respiratory tract, susceptible to both internal and external disease-triggering factors. These include both blood-borne and airborne microbes (believed to cause pneumonia), cigarette smoke, alcohol, x-rays, corticosteroids, allergens, antigens, common pollutants, waste matter from the GI tract, and the like.
Further respiratory complications arise when handfuls of gallstones that have accumulated in the liverbile ducts lead to liver enlargement. The liver, situated in the upper abdominal cavity, spans almost the entire width of the body. Its upper and anterior surfaces are smooth and shaped to fit under the surface of the diaphragm. When enlarged, the liver obstructs the movement of the diaphragm and prevents the lungs from extending to their normal capacity during inhalation.
By contrast, a smooth, healthy liver permits the lungs to easily extend into the abdominal region, which puts pressure on the abdomen and squeezes the lymphand blood vessels to force lymph and blood toward the heart. This breathing mechanism is often called 'belly breathing', and it can be seen in healthy babies, especially. An enlarged liver prevents the full extension of the diaphragm and lungs, which causes reduced exchange of gases in the lungs, lymphatic congestion, and the retention of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the lungs. The restricted uptake of oxygen negatively affects cellular functions throughout the body.
Most people in the industrialized world have an enlarged liver, especially those who are overweight or obese. What doctors generally consider a 'normal-sized' liveris actually oversize. Once all gallstones are removed through a series of liver flushes, the liver can gradually return to its original size.
Almost all diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and upper respiratory passagesare either caused or worsened by gallstones in the liverand can be improved or eliminated by removing these stones through liver cleansing.
[This is an excerpt from the book 'The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush' Andreas Moritz, available on ]
Writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine and author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health, including 'Cancer is not a Disease, It's a Survival Mechanism' and 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time', Andreas Moritz can be contacted on
Copyright c 2011 by Andreas Moritz
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