
What Really Causes AIDS?

Over 35 diseases have now been renamed AIDS diseases, all supposedly caused by one single (inactive) virus. What has been considered normal pneumonia until 10-15 years ago, if linked with HIV, it is now an AIDS disease. The same applies to Candida infection, tuberculosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, and cervical cancer. If an African suffers from 'slim disease' and has HIV antibodiesin his blood, he is being told that he has AIDS. If he dies from the disease, he obviously must have died from AIDS. This simple logic may sound persuasive to a lay person.

On the other hand, if an African is diagnosed with having 'slim disease' without previous HIV infection and subsequently dies, AIDS is not considered the cause of death. It is worthy to note that there are at least as many cases of slim disease without HIV as there are with HIV, and that the retrovirus HIV has proven to be incapable of causing cell destruction, which is the main characteristic accompanying 'slim disease'.

If the HIV virus cannot be held responsible for causing AIDS diseases, then what is the cause of AIDS?

Narcotic Drugs

Roughly ten years before the discovery of AIDS, the industrial world experienced a dramatic increase in the use of non-prescribed drugs ranging from hashish, marijuana and psychedelics to LSD, MDA, PCP, heroin, cocaine, amyl and butyl nitrites, amphetamines, barbiturates, ethyl chloride, opium, mushrooms and other 'tailor-made' drugs. By 1974, five million Americans had used the drug cocaine, and only 11 years later, the figure had jumped to over 22 million. In 1990, the American Drug Enforcement Administration had confiscated 100,000 kilograms of cocaine, compared to a mere 500 kilograms in 1980. Within a decade, the number of cocaine overdose victims had increased from 3,000 in 1981 to 80,000 in 1990, an increase of 2,400 percent. Amphetamine use also jumped dramatically. In 1989, the Drug Enforcement Administration seized 97 million doses, up from 2 million doses in 1981. Also, aphrodisiacs became extremely popular during the 1970s. By 1980, five million Americans had become regular users of amyl nitrites, or 'poppers'.

The AIDS epidemic followed a huge jump in drug abuse. Every practicing physician who has seen the severe destruction of body and mind in drug-using patients understands that drugs are capable of doing even more harm to a person than just killing them. Drugs are known for their powerful effect of systematically destroying a person's vital functions, including the immune system. The figures given above can in no way represent the total use of drugs within the population, but they certainly indicate that drug abuse could be playing a major role, if not the biggest role in causing AIDS diseases. Most narcotic drug users have p24in their blood. An HIV test is likely going to turn them into HIV positive patients that 'need' treatment with expensive and potentially devastating AIDS drugs.

Until recently, drug use was most concentrated among young men aged 25-44, and so, AIDS was most common among this age group. Nine out of every ten AIDS cases were male and 90 percent of all people arrested for possession of hard drugs were male, too. 75 percent of these were aged 25-44 and 72 percent of all AIDS cases among men occurred within exactly the same age group. Could this have been pure coincidence?

Between 1983 and 1987, the death rate among young men of this age group increased by an average of 10,000 per year and so did the number of AIDS deaths within the same period. During the 1980s, deaths from drug overdoses doubled in men of this age group, while deaths from blood poisoning - an indirect result of the injection of drugs into the blood - quadrupled. The same happened to the AIDS sufferers of the same age group during the same period of time.

Now, more women are involved in heavy drug use. Three quarters of all heterosexual AIDS cases and two thirds of all female AIDS cases are injection drug users. Two thirds of all babies born with AIDS have mothers who inject drugs. These figures do not include the use of drugs taken orally or in an inhaled form.

The major percentage of AIDS cases, however, is still found among the highly active homosexual men aged 25-44. This group not only abuses large quantities of narcotic drugs, but also antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals, such as AZT, ddI, ddC, d4T, acyclovir, and gancyclovir, to name a few. A large number of American studies confirmed that over 95 percent of male homosexual AIDS patients typically admitted to popper inhalation and regular use of hard drugs.

AIDS patients suffer from pre-existing immune damage, which in many cases is caused by years of drug abuse. Without an already damaged immune system, AIDS diseases are extremely unlikely to develop. If any of the above risk groups take an AIDS test they are highly likely to test positive, due to the large number of antibodies their bodies have produced to counteract diseases caused by drugs, semen, blood, and viruses, etc.

Why babies have AIDS

Babies are strongly affected by the drug abuse of their mothers. Two thirds of all babies with AIDS symptoms, regardless whether they test HIV-positive or not, have mothers who inject drugs; some large percentage of the rest have mothers who use non-injected drugs. Heroin is one of the most commonly injected drugs. Persistent drug users show symptoms of loss of white blood cells, the main upholder of immunity, as well as lymph node swelling, fever, rapid weight loss, brain dysfunction and dementia, and a marked susceptibility to infections. Heroin addicts often die from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other opportunistic infections, as well as from wasting syndromes. In all these diseases, the protein p24, generally accepted to be proof of the existence of HIV, is amply present. Although p24 is not unique to HIV but shared with most infectious diseases, they have nevertheless been classified as AIDS diseases.

What is very sad is that babies are defenseless against drug poisoning. Recent research has shown that pregnant women who smoke cigarettes pass cancer-forming chemicals to their babies. It is difficult to imagine what must be taking place in the developing brain of an embryo when it is exposed to heroin injected directly into his mother's blood, which is also his blood.

Many babies born to cocaine-using mothers are born with severe mental retardation and are vulnerable to tuberculosis and lung diseases. The major experimental drugs are so poisonous that regular use can result in dementia, serious bacterial infections, and total destruction of the immune system. The drugs certainly possess a much higher probability of impairing immune functions so typical to AIDS than a simple, inactive virus.


Most of the patients suffering from AIDS also have a long history of taking antibiotics. Antibiotics may be a major co-factor in developing AIDS among the very active homosexual men who depend on them in order to ward off the many venereal diseases and parasites arising from non-hygienic sexual practices. Many gays have received open prescriptions for antibiotics from their doctors who advised them to swallow the drugs before their sexual encounters. Some of them had been on such toxic drugs as Tetracycline for as many as 18 years before their immune system succumbed to the devastating side effects they produce. This particular drug causes extreme sensitivity against sunlight. If exposed to sunlight, it can burn one's skin beyond repair. Those affected often suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that arises from lack of exposure to sunlight. The drug is also known to disrupt the body's basic metabolic functions, which may result in virtually any type of disease. It also works as a strong immune suppressant; and, perhaps, one of its worst side effects is the destruction of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Eradication of these bacteria makes room for yeast and other infection-causing bacteria, spreading throughout the body and causing continuous flare-ups of disease symptoms

Other commonly used drugs include flagyl and diiodohydroxquin. Both are used to combat amoeba-caused diarrhea. The drugs can produce severe forms of hallucination and depression.

Corticosteroids, sulfa drugs, and septra are prescribed for various other conditions, all with serious side effects. They cause severe digestive disturbances, and if worsened by a nutrient-deficient diet so common among active homosexuals, they systematically destroy their bodies' defenses against disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. And so the formerly strong and healthy young men increasingly suffer from opportunistic infections which speed up aging indicators similar to those found only in old and fragile people.

Blood Transfusion

All the above mentioned risk factors cause 94 percent of all AIDS cases in the United States, a typical representative for other industrialized nations. Nevertheless, the remaining 6 percent do not seem to fall into any of the risk categories. Over half of this small percentage 'contracted' AIDS through blood transfusions, which to the general population would appear to be a definite indication for HIV to be the cause of AIDS.

However, a closer analysis of the AIDS survival statistics reveals that over half of all blood transfusion recipients die within the first year after transfusion. The same applies to patients who are not HIV-infected. The risk groups for failing blood transfusions are found among the very young and the very old, and those who are severely injured.

Under normal circumstances, healthy people never get a blood transfusion. They are given only to people who have already suffered from long-standing illnesses or after traumatic medical intervention, such as surgery. Anesthesia alone acts as an immune-suppressant, and the same applies to antibiotics administered after surgery to ward off infectious microbes. If a patient undergoes an organ transplant, he will receive steroids and other drugs that prevent his immune system from rejecting the new organ. Many organ recipients have to take these drugs for the rest of their lives, but since these drugs suppress overall immunity, they often die from 'unrelated' problems within a very short time. The treating doctors rarely attribute these deaths, though, to the side effects of the drugs, and tell the deceased's relatives that they tried everything they could to save their loved ones. If these same problems, however, occur in HIV-positive patients, the cause of death is considered to be AIDS. Accordingly, the victims become part of the 'statistical evidence' that AIDS can be transmitted through blood transfusion.

In the United States, out of the 20,000 hemophiliacs, who rely on regular blood transfusions, few are diagnosed with AIDS despite the fact that over three-quarters were infected with HIV through blood supply. Mortality rates for hemophiliacs, in fact, have never been as low as they are today.

It has been proven that blood transfusions can bring up false-positive HIV test results. In a study published in the Lancet, patients showed the presence of large quantities of HIV antibodies in their blood immediately after blood transfusion, decreasing thereafter. One healthy volunteer who received six consecutive blood injections at four-day intervals tested HIV-negative after the first injection, but with each subsequent transfusion, the HIV-positive antibody response increased. The argument that HIV can be transmitted through blood transfusions may, therefore, only be partially true, if it is true at all. As the above experiment shows, blood transfusions can actually produce human retrovirus material that may be identical or similar to HIV. This certainly doesn't mean that an AIDS disease will automatically develop because of blood transfusion (most hemophiliacs don't develop AIDS). However, if the immune system is already severely damaged or low due to other factors, such as drug abuse or surgery, blood transfusions can greatly increase the risk of developing a life-threatening immune deficiency disease or AIDS. If blood transfusions can lead to the body producing antibodies against the HIV human retrovirus, as research has shown to be possible, it is misleading to claim HIV-contaminated blood is solely responsible for HIV infection in blood recipients.

[This is an excerpt from the book 'Ending The AIDS Myth' by Andreas Moritz]

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine. He is the author of 13 books ( http://www.ener-chi.com/book.htm ) on various subjects pertaining to holistic health, including 'The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush', 'Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation', 'Diabetes No More' and 'Cancer Is Not a Disease, It's a Survival Mechanism'.

His most recent book is titled 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time'. Moritz is also the creator of Ener-Chi Art and Sacred Santemony.

Much of his life's work has been dedicated to understanding and treating the root causes of illness, and helping the body, mind, spirit and heart to heal naturally.

Connect with Andreas at: http://www.facebook.com/enerchi.wellness

Copyright c 2011 by Andreas Moritz

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